Admission Open in (Tick the Box)

    Admission Category

    EDUCATION 10th

    EDUCATION 12th


    Declaration Of Candidate

    I do hereby declare that all the particulars stated in the application are true and correct to the best of my
    knowledge and belief. I have read the Admission rules and information Brochure, and I shall abide by all the rules
    and other terms and conditions for admission. In the event of suppression or distortion of any information
    provided in my application form. I understand that admission granted or approved by the Institute/University
    (NSIT/NFSU) shall be liable for cancellation.


    • Please retain a photocopy of the form before submission.

    • NSIT is not responsible for incomplete / incorrectly filled form sent by the candidates.

    • Please check your registered e-mail periodically for further updates and intimations.

    • Application Fees Rs. 1000/- (Rupees One Thousand Only)

    • Please submit cash along with completely filled downloaded application form at University Office.

    • You can pay by cheque/DD in favor of “NSIT” and send or submit it with the completely filled downloaded form.
